In-Person and Virtual Learning During a Pandemic

As we embark on a new school year, we are blessed here at St. James to be able to welcome our students back both in person and virtually. Over a summer filled with uncertainty, tons of changes and facility upgrades, the Administration worked tirelessly to ensure a safe and healthy school for our students to return to. Some of the greatest minds in our community came together to help put a plan in place that would protect our staff, students, and their families as we transitioned out of a stay at home order into the new normal in the outside world. Our IT team worked to update the school’s infrastructure to allow for our virtual students to be live in our classrooms with our in-person students. Countless hours were spent ensuring technology was updated and teacher had what they needed to begin the new year. For the week leading up to the first day of school, each staff member underwent training on how to teach during a pandemic, as well as safety and health protocols expected for the year to come.
Teachers and staff were extremely excited to welcome our students into their classrooms and show off our “new” school during our virtual Meet the Teacher Night. The anxiety of the first day of school quickly disappeared after our halls were once again filled with the sounds of our students reuniting with friends and beginning their journey through a new year of learning. Our hearts are full, and all is right with the world inside the walls of St. James Episcopal School. We are dedicated to working hard to find new ways to continue the traditions that make SJES such a wonderful place and will do our absolute best to provide a healthy, safe, nurturing, Christian environment for our students and their families. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for believing in us and allowing us to continue to educate your children.